qqqqq Frequency counters


Spectracom corporation offers to the Ukrainian market the best price/qualiry rate  frequency meters (counters/timers/analysers) of own production, as a very inexpensive (CNT-90), and unique in some of its features. For example, the model CNT-91 has one of the highest in the market-resolution measurement of time intervals (up to 50 ps in the measurement of individual signals, up to 1 ps averaged), and the model CNT-90 offers an excellent graphic display and all the modern methods of mathematical processing measurable indicators on the external computer. Here you can learn more from you are interested in. models.


IEEE1588 based synchronization units (SU-1588 model), manufactured by IST in Ukraine, are now implemented in Urkmetrteststandard national T&F laboratory to provide customers with precise (microsecond level)  time-scale.